Whippin’ Ass

March 4, 2010

Had to do a project for a class in After Effects and decided it would be more fun to include some music and a video. Edited in some drifting, offroad jumps, helicopter, and RC footage from the hundreds of hours I’ve gotten over the years…its been a lot of fun! Edited to the tune of the Ray’s ‘Whipass’, remixed by Goose…my theme song : )

Kiteboarding gear

September 14, 2009

Getting back into kiteboarding, just waiting on the wind!



Kite flying videos

August 16, 2009

Flew the Blade III 6.6m a few days ago for the first time. Wow, out there for a few hours and sore as hell. Had a total blast though and got a video this time! Jumps weren’t too high, but still a super floaty kite, super fun.

Video of the kite and me jumping:

Ian also took the reins for a sec and, well, that didn’t go so well. Shows ya how much power these things have placed in the wrong area of the wind window, Ian weighs 20-30lbs more than I do. Blades do bite:

The wind was low yesterday, probably about 5-10mph. Took my Blade 6.4m out to play anyway after work. Had an absolute blast even with no good jumps. What a workout!





Disc Golf!

August 5, 2009

Wanted to do something different this evening so we drove up to the Cat Hollow disc golf park.


