Trail riding in Austin

November 3, 2010

Last weekend Ian, his father, and I went to Hidden Falls Adventure Park for some trail riding fun. That place has some pretty crazy trails. After the CRF’s fork rebuild I was happy with its performance. Can’t wait to get on the track!

My bike is the red one, Ian's father's bike is the blue Yamaha TTR 225

Here is a GoPro vid from my helmet, nothing spectacular, just riding around having fun

The new toys

November 3, 2010

R1 Raven
-DynoJet power commander
-Aftermarket clutch handle
-Yoshimura slip on exhaust


Holy blog update Batman!

November 3, 2010

So I’ve been MIA from my blog for months. Quick rundown of whats happened since the last post…

-Graduated college in August! Now have a Bachelor of Science in Radio Television and Film
-Still working at OfficeMax in Austin
-Picked up a new contract job in Houston working in a metal fab shop for irrigation cages
-Traded my Honda CBR 929 and Yamaha YFZ 450 for a 2005 Yamaha R1 Raven, hawt!
-Sold my Honda 400ex for a 2003 Honda CRF 450R dirt bike
-The car hauler was stolen

Pretty much just trying work hard and play harder!